As parents, it’s important to encourage children to develop good habits when they’re younger so they practice these as they grow older. One especially important value is that they’re never too young to help the household save money, particularly when it comes to the HVAC system. Homeowners living in the Colleyville, Texas, area can teach their children about these helpful HVAC tendencies to increase the home’s energy efficiency and enforce good habits in the years to come.
Discuss the Thermostat
The thermostat controls the temperature inside the house, and it’s important to teach your children how it works. Cover the importance of leaving the settings the way they are so you can increase the home’s energy efficiency. If you have a smart thermostat, explain to them how it allows you to program the temperature when you’re away from the home so you’re not heating or cooling it when nobody is home.
Involve Children in HVAC Maintenance
Get your children involved in caring for your HVAC system. Show them where the air filter goes, and have them help you replace it every 30 to 60 days. A dirty filter means your unit will work harder to heat or cool your home. Encourage them to remind you to replace the filter. During the warmer months, have them join you outside and spray down the exterior air-conditioning unit with a garden hose. This eliminates dirt and other types of buildup that can inhibit the unit’s productivity.
Teach Kids Responsible Habits
Talk to your children about the importance of practicing energy efficiency habits. This includes closing the blinds during the heat of the summer, turning off lights whenever they leave the room, and keeping windows closed when the air conditioning is on. Regularly following these rules can save your household on energy bills each month.
A regularly-serviced HVAC unit can last longer and improve energy efficiency in your home. To make sure that your HVAC system works properly, contact North Tarrant Heating & Air at (817) 538-4700. We can send out a professional to make sure that your unit is running the best to its ability.
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