You’ve invested in an energy efficient heat pump to maintain the comfort of your Fort Worth, Texas, home. While these systems are easy to maintain and require fewer repairs, there are times when your heat pump may be letting you know that something isn’t quite right. Here are three heat pump problems you should never ignore.
The Outdoor Unit Is Icing Up
During the winter months, it can be common for your outside unit to build up a coating of frost or ice on all sides during the night, when temperatures drop. When this occurs, your system will enter into defrost mode to rectify the problem. If the heat pump does not resolve the problem itself, or you see a thick coating of ice on the unit, it could indicate low refrigerant, a blockage of the outdoor unit, or a problem with an outdoor fan. Call your local HVAC contractor as soon as you notice this to avoid permanent damage.
Your Heat Pump Is Constantly Running
If temperatures drop below freezing, it may seem like your heat pump is constantly running, but this is the way it’s designed to work. However, if the system is constantly running when temperatures are in the mid-30s or higher, it could be an issue with leaking refrigerant, an outdoor unit that is frozen, or a problem with the compressor.
Living in Fort Worth, TX, your heat pump should not constantly be running, as temperatures don’t usually stay below freezing for a long period of time. If you notice this issue, start by checking the thermostat and making sure it isn’t switched to AC mode. If this isn’t the case, call an HVAC technician to get to the bottom of the issue.
The Unit Is Blowing Cold Air in Heat Mode
If you feel cold air blowing into your home, start by looking at the thermostat settings and checking the outdoor unit for ice. If you find no abnormalities but are still feeling cold air, you might have an issue with the refrigerant charge or a damaged or leaking valve, which would require a repair.
If you notice any of these issues with your heat pump, don’t wait until a small problem becomes a large one. Contact the HVAC specialists at North Tarrant Heat & Air at (817) 538-4700 today.
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